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1. april 2025
Forrige spiller
IM Axel Smith
ELO: 2503

Næste spiller
------ Resultat ------ ------ Partiet ------ -------- ELO rating --------
RundePartiTabelDa. ratELO ratEco# trækReplayModstForvK DifRatet?
1IM John Arni Nilsen (2372/2372) ½ ½ A30
50Replay the game Axel Smith vs John Arni Nilsen using Silverlight chess board 23720,6810-1,80J
2GM Vitaly Kunin (2511/2511) ½ ½ D94
78Replay the game Vitaly Kunin vs Axel Smith using Silverlight chess board 25110,49100,10J
3Casper Christensen (1995/1962) 1 1 E97
52Replay the game Axel Smith vs Casper Christensen using Silverlight chess board 19950,92100,80J
4IM Simon Bekker-Jensen (2402/2397) 1 1 E69
40Replay the game Simon Bekker-Jensen vs Axel Smith using Silverlight chess board 24020,64103,60J
5GM Jha Sriram (2422/2422) ½ ½ D15
24Replay the game Axel Smith vs Jha Sriram using Silverlight chess board 24220,6110-1,10J
6IM Christian Jepson (2388/2388) ½ ½ E59
46Replay the game Christian Jepson vs Axel Smith using Silverlight chess board 23880,6610-1,60J
7FM Igor Teplyi (2377/2355) 0 0 A40
45Replay the game Axel Smith vs Igor Teplyi using Silverlight chess board 23770,6710-6,70J
8Brian Jørgen Jørgensen (2244/2207) ½ ½ E46
31Replay the game Brian Jørgen Jørgensen vs Axel Smith using Silverlight chess board 22440,8210-3,20J
9Hans Dahl Pedersen (2211/2177) 1 1 B42
65Replay the game Axel Smith vs Hans Dahl Pedersen using Silverlight chess board 22110,85101,50J
ELO-rating 5,5 points i 9 partier mod et gennemsnitligt elo-tal på 2325 giver en præstationsrating på 2405
og en ændring i elo-tallet på -8,40. Se mere hos FIDE.