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1. april 2025
Forrige spiller
Philip Lindgren
ELO: 2256

Næste spiller
------ Resultat ------ ------ Partiet ------ -------- ELO rating --------
RundePartiTabelDa. ratELO ratEco# trækReplayModstForvK DifRatet?
1IM Nikolaj Mikkelsen (2425/2422) 0 0 E04
60Replay the game Philip Lindgren vs Nikolaj Mikkelsen using Silverlight chess board 24250,2815-4,20J
2Michael E. Vesterli (2037/2013) 1 1 E12
38Replay the game Michael E. Vesterli vs Philip Lindgren using Silverlight chess board 20370,78153,30J
3Julius Mølvig (1904/1848) 1 1 E97
58Replay the game Philip Lindgren vs Julius Mølvig using Silverlight chess board 19040,89151,65J
4Bjarne Hjorth Andersen (2035/2009) ½ ½ B17
72Replay the game Bjarne Hjorth Andersen vs Philip Lindgren using Silverlight chess board 20350,7815-4,20J
5GM Alexander Zubarev (2590/2590) 0 0 A81
58Replay the game Philip Lindgren vs Alexander Zubarev using Silverlight chess board 25900,1215-1,80J
6Roland Hubka (2000/2000) 1 1 A37
51Replay the game Roland Hubka vs Philip Lindgren using Silverlight chess board 20000,81152,85J
7Martin Percivaldi (2041/2045) 1 1 D30
36Replay the game Martin Percivaldi vs Philip Lindgren using Silverlight chess board 20410,77153,45J
8IM Jens Kristiansen (2430/2430) 1 1 E95
58Replay the game Philip Lindgren vs Jens Kristiansen using Silverlight chess board 24300,271510,95J
9GM Henrik Danielsen (2509/2509) 0 0 A11
41Replay the game Henrik Danielsen vs Philip Lindgren using Silverlight chess board 25090,1915-2,85J
ELO-rating 5,5 points i 9 partier mod et gennemsnitligt elo-tal på 2219 giver en præstationsrating på 2299
og en ændring i elo-tallet på 9,15. Se mere hos FIDE.