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21. november 2024
Forrige spiller
Michael Grove

ELO: 2015
Dansk: 2015
Næste spiller
------ Resultat ------ ------ Partiet ------ -- Dansk rating -- -------- ELO rating --------
RundePartiTabelDa. ratELO ratEco# trækReplayModstForvRatet?ModstForvK DifRatet?
1Yuri Solodovnichenko½ ½ ½ B06
32Replay the game Michael Grove vs Yuri Solodovnichenko using Silverlight chess board 25430,00J 25430,08156,30J
2Alexander Rosenkilde0 0 0 A64
36Replay the game Alexander Rosenkilde vs Michael Grove using Silverlight chess board 22300,23J 22470,2115-3,15J
3Michael Nielsen0 0 0 A29
41Replay the game Michael Nielsen vs Michael Grove using Silverlight chess board 21210,36J 21760,2915-4,35J
4Steen Bjørn1 1 1 B51
19Replay the game Michael Grove vs Steen Bjørn using Silverlight chess board 14320,98J 16080,92151,20J
5Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh½ ½ ½ A52
39Replay the game Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh vs Michael Grove using Silverlight chess board 21660,00J 21660,30153,00J
6Faruk Dupovac1 1 - B30
39Replay the game Michael Grove vs Faruk Dupovac using Silverlight chess board 13770,99J N
7Sandi Stojanovski0 0 0 A31
26Replay the game Sandi Stojanovski vs Michael Grove using Silverlight chess board 22650,19J 22600,2015-3,00J
8Christian Altenburg Eriksson1 1 1 B31
29Replay the game Michael Grove vs Christian Altenburg Eriksson using Silverlight chess board 21630,30J 21730,291510,65J
9Virginijus Dambrauskas0 0 0 B42
74Replay the game Michael Grove vs Virginijus Dambrauskas using Silverlight chess board 23150,00J 23150,1515-2,25J
10Mogens Henrik Thuesen0 0 0 A61
39Replay the game Mogens Henrik Thuesen vs Michael Grove using Silverlight chess board 22420,21J 22610,1915-2,85J
44 3 20853,26 21945,55
Dansk RatingI alt 10 partier til dansk ratingberegning. Partierne gav 4 points mod forventet 3,25, som medfører
en ratingtilvækst på 15 for denne turnering
ELO-rating 3 points i 9 partier mod et gennemsnitligt elo-tal på 2194 giver en præstationsrating på 2068
og en ændring i elo-tallet på 5,55. Se mere hos FIDE.